I'm Back, Baby!

Original Post from July 24, 2019

Yes, I know, it has been a bit since I have blogged.  I assure you I wasn’t slacking off, in fact we were hard at it, for what seemed like 26 hours a day. Though I jest, it has been a very busy time for us in ministry and in life.

We have done a number of outreach events, block parties, seen a number of people come to know the Lord, made new contacts, done a lot of follow-up, three conferences, VBS, concerts, mission teams, etc., not to mention a busy home schedule on the farm and with the business, and in the midst of it all, I am recovering from back surgery.  

I know, it’s not an excuse, just an explanation.

That being said, this time of recovery has served me well (two weeks into a ten week window at the time of this writing), as the Lord has provided some great folks in our midst and church family to take the reins.

I have gotten some rest, and I'm now able to move my leg again and am in much less pain. However I feel the greatest benefit for me has not been recovery of my body, but of my soul.

You may not know it, but I too am just a man. I get tired, hungry, worn out, down, and even lonely sometimes.  In ministry it seems we are constantly pouring out, and pouring into others, running to extinguish fires, intervene in crisis, working to shepherd and love others, and yet we forget or neglect to be nourished ourselves.

Now, I am not saying that I have been in a slump, or neglecting my time with the Lord, or anything like that, but I am saying, I was, (and still kinda am) wiped out.

But God knows this and He has been pouring into me in such a way that I have never experienced before. This time, when I have been at my weakest physically, I dare say, I may be stronger in my walk with Christ than ever.

I have experienced an intimacy with the Father that I never had before.

It may be the extra hours of prayer, the extra hours of time in His Word, the prayers of His Saints, (the pain pills...just joking), or the complete dependence on Him, and the obedience to listen and follow what He says. Whatever it is, I don’t want step away from it!

There have been five lessons (so far)  that I believe He has been teaching me, and I would like to share them with you all. I believe this applies in all walks of the Christian life and ministry, from the pastorate to planting, to small groups and one-on-one conversations.  

So, here is my commitment, I will write a blog about each of these life lessons, and trust it will be a blessing to you! Nothing super long, nothing fancy, just real life lessons that I feel God is showing me through His Word and life, and the scripture that reveals it. Look for a blog on these five topics, and see if it applies to your life as well. Who knows, it may just be a benefit to you on your spiritual journey, and we may just keep going!

• Lesson 1: Seek First the Kingdom
• Lesson 2: My grace is sufficient
• Lesson 3: I am the Vine
• Lesson 4: Seed fell on good soil
• Lesson 5: Come to Me and I’ll give you rest

Grace and Peace,
Pastor J