For the REST of Us
October 1st, 2022
From the Beginning, the Father knew we needed rest, so He set a specific time aside for us to do just that, both physically and spiritually. ...  Read More
Sending and Going
August 3rd, 2022
written by Pastor Justin Brown Over the last several months, I have had the blessing to disciple and train a young man that is preparing to be on the mission field in many countries, helping to combat...  Read More
Making Disciples that Make Disciples
June 18th, 2022
Discipleship. We hear that word thrown around a lot in western churchianity. Almost always it relates to a curriculum, program or a process. But What is it really? What does it mean, and how does one ...  Read More
Addressing a Godless Culture
April 15th, 2022
It seems many of the conversations I have nationally, regionally and locally, always get around to the idea of how bad our culture has gotten. Sin is celebrated, and what God has called good is mocked...  Read More
Seek First the Kingdom
March 1st, 2020
In today's world, anxiety and fear creep in as we go through our week. Pastor Justin shares his findings from the Word after recovering from back surgery and shares how to seek the kingdom first, as c...  Read More
I'm Back, Baby!
March 1st, 2020
After Pastor Justin's back surgery, He found his time with the Lord to produce five lessons worth sharing. In times of dependence upon God (and others), we are given the opportunity to grow closer to...  Read More
Waiting for Rain
March 1st, 2020
Often our prayers are not answered in the way or timing we expect. When God's timing is perfect and we run low on patience, what are we to do?...  Read More
March 1st, 2020
The world says our value is set by what we have, what we can do or have done and by what others think of us. Jesus is the sole source and reason for our value!...  Read More
Leading by Example
January 30th, 2020
It seems every time I turn on the TV, computer, iPad, radio, read the paper, etc., there is always bad news. Some horrible atrocity, victims of all ages, shapes and cultures, and brokenness all around...  Read More
You don’t love me anymore?
January 30th, 2020
Many times in our relationship with the Father, through the Son Jesus, we feel that we have messed up so bad, that He is might actually stop loving us. But is that actually how the almighty God works?...  Read More